
Treatments At Barmolloch

Whether you are struggling with a minor annoyance or battling with a serious illness, HeartWorks can help alleviate your pain and symptoms through holistic care and therapeutic treatment.

Browse below to learn more about the wide range of therapies and healing modalities we use to treat our patients.
Barmolloch Farm
AmpCoil Therapy

AmpCoil Therapy

AmpCoil is a wellness tool that works with the energetic body utilizing innovations from Nikola Tesla, mainstream physics, and quantum mechanics. Your body is like a musical instrument. Every cell in your body needs to stay tuned to a specific frequency to function optimally. Metals, microbes, toxins, stress and many other factors can pull your cells out of tune. AmpCoil is a proprietary system that utilizes sound frequencies delivered via a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to help get your cells back into tune and resonate your body’s natural frequencies in perfect harmony. When cells resonate at their optimal frequency, it creates balance leading to health and vitality. It’s a non-intrusive, relaxing therapy that offers profound results.